
Course Fee £150.
A £50 deposit is payable at the time of booking.
Are you ready to start your Reiki journey and learn how to use
Reiki to help with your own self-healing as well as helping those
you love and your pets?
If your answer is yes, then you are in the right place.
Hello, my name is Lisa, and I am an 11th Generation Accredited Reiki master in the traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki System. The course that you will take part in here at Olettesa in Stockport will be carried out over two consecutive days, will follow the original Reiki traditions that have been handed down from Usui, Hayashi, and Takata all the way down through my lineage to myself.
Over the duration of this two day course, we will cover (but will not limited to):-
❤️ Introduction to Reiki
🧡 The History of Dr. Mikao Usui & Our Reiki Lineage
💛 How to perform a treatment on others
💚 Hands-on Training
💙 The Chakra System
💜 You will receive 4 Attunements (2 on the 1st day and 2 on the 2nd day)
🤍 How to carry out a Self Healing treatment
💖 The Power of Intention
On this Reiki Level One (1st Degree) course, you will receive 4 attunements. These attunements are mainly focused on opening up the physical body so that it can accept and channel greater amounts of life force energy.
On this Reiki Level One (1st Degree) Course which is predominately used for the self, you will learn the history of Reiki and learn to feel the energy moving and flowing through the body. On a practical level, you will be taught how to give yourself a "self-healing" treatment and also how to perform a treatment on others though at this stage you are only able to practice on family, friends and pets.
Though some students only feel the need to do a Reiki Level One (1st Degree) Course for themselves, family, friends and pets, some feel the need to go on to Practitioner level and learn Reiki 2. If you feel you would like to progress from your Reiki Level One (1st Degree) training then a minimum of 6 months period must elapse before proceeding. This is to allow your body to adjust to the energy you have been attuned to.
Though Reiki Level One (1st Degree) is predominantly for the self, the course still complies with the standards set out by;-
The National Occupational Standards (NOS)
Complementary Natural Healthcare Council (CNHC)
The Core Curriculum for Reiki
and adheres to the Code of Conduct set out by;-
The Federation of Holistic Therapies (FHT) and
The International Practitioners of Holistic Medicine IPHM
Upon completion of your Reiki Level One weekend, you will receive your Reiki First Degree Manual and after the completion of your Case Studies, you will receive your Certificate and the knowledge that you have attended a reputable course provided by an Accredited Reiki Master.
All courses held here at Olettesa are limited to 4 people as it's all about quality, not quantity.
A payment plan is available should you wish to pay in instalments, full payment is required before course commencement.
To enquire about a course please either contact me by clicking on the Contact link at the bottom of the page or if you wish to book a course click on the Book Online button to be taken to the booking page, scroll to the Training Courses section at the bottom of the page. From here you will be able to select the date of the Reiki Level One Course that you wish to attend and complete the Course Booking Form.
Training at your own venue is also available. If you would like training at your own venue please don't hesitate to get in touch.
