Reiki Attunements - Top Up Attunements
As part of your Reiki Training, you will have received 4 attunements at each stage of the process. This attunement is an ancient part of the training that has been handed down from Usui to each of his students and for his Masters to pass on to their students.
After you have received your attunement, at a later date you may feel you need for a
"Top Up" attunement. Though these are not necessarily necessary some students feel that they would like a top-up attunement.
Olettesa Reiki & Holistic Therapies offers FREE Top-Up attunements for students who have completed their training through us whether that is here in the therapy room here in Stockport or at your venue /home in Oldham, Tarporley, Glastonbury and beyond.
However, if you haven't completed your training through us we ask that you make a donation of your choosing to a charity that we support (The Sam Buxton Sunflower Healing Trust).
If you haven't completed your training through us then you must have had prior training and been initiated/attuned to the same signage that is followed here at Olettesa which follows the symbols that have been handed down through the Usui, Hayashi and Takata lineage.
If you would like to know more then please get in touch via the contact button at the bottom of the page.