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Reiki Level Two Practitioner Qualification, Stockport, Manchester, Cheshire.

Accredited Reiki Master in Hazel Grove, Stockport.
Offering a range of Reiki courses and treatments
as well as other Holistic Therapies.

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Reiki Level Two Practitioner Qualification
Accredited by the Federation of Holistic Therapies (FHT)

Course Fee £730.

Reiki Kanji, Stockport, Oldham, Manchester, Cheshire, UK


Olettesa Stockport Kanji Scroll, Cheshire, Manchester, Oldham, UK

If you are wanting to use your Reiki training within any health or social care environment, then you would need to complete additional training on top of the Reiki Level Two (2nd Degree) Certificate to comply with the Core Curriculum for Reiki. 

By attending this Reiki Level Two Practioner Qualification you are not only meeting all the requirements that you would need to gain insurance but you are taking it one step further by receiving additional training to enable you to you gain the Accredited Qualification which will allow you to apply to register on one of the Accredited Registers which will enable you to use the Accredited Registers quality mark.  By being able to use this Accredited Register quality mark it gives extra peace of mind for anyone looking for a complementary healthcare therapist by letting them know that anyone who holds the mark is committed to high standards. 

Both courses, Reiki Level Two (2nd Degree) Certificate, and the Reiki Level Two Practitioner Qualification have the same content on the initial Reiki Level One (1st Degree) and Reiki Level Two (2nd Degree) Certificate weekends, and comply with the National Occupational Standards [NOS] for Reiki and are accredited for insurance.  The teaching and attunements are the same for both courses.  The difference between the 2 courses lies in the number of study hours, level of coursework, assessments, and fees.


If you were to complete both the Reiki Level One and Reiki Level Two Traditional Certificate Weekends only you attend a total of 30 hours of training.  The duration of this Accredited Practioner Qualification is carried out over a minimum 9-month period which includes;-


  • 65 Hours of Guided Learning which is inclusive of;-

  • 15 Hours attending our Reiki Level One (1st Degree) Course.

  • 15 Hours attending our Reiki Level Two (2nd Degree) Weekend Course

  • 35 Hours made up of attending 5 Reiki Development days totaling 7 hours each day.

Along with

  • 100 Hours of received treatments (either through self-treatment / received treatments)

  • 75 Case Studies.  These are made up of 75 x 1-hour documented treatments of others of which there must be a minimum of 10 case studies made up of at least 4 x 1-hour sessions each.

All of this totals the minimum 240 hours of study required to qualify for the Accredited Practitioner Qualification.


This course is Accredited through the Federation of Holistic Therapies (FHT) and upon qualifying, it will enable you to work within a Healthcare environment.  You would also be able to apply to be listed on the Accredited Register.

To book on this course please book on to one of the Reiki Level One courses and discuss future course dates with Lisa whilst attending your Reiki Level One weekend.

Training at your own venue is also available [with the addition of travel and accommodation costs as required] if you would like training at your own venue.

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