dōTERRA @ Olettesa
Your local dōTERRA Wellness Advocate based here @ Olettesa Reiki & Holistic Therapies.
Why dōTERRA Essential Oils?
dōTERRA Essential Oils are CPTG (Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade) Essential oils. Which means they are rigorously tested for standards and purity. They are free from fillers or artificial ingredients. Free from contaminants, pesticides and chemical residue. dōTERRAis also committed to making a positive difference in the lives of farmers, harvesters, and distillers who contribute to dōTERRAoil production.
dōTERRA seek to develop long-term, mutually beneficial supplier partnerships while creating sustainable jobs and providing reliable income in underdeveloped areas and dōTERRA is also committed to the ethical treatment of its suppliers.
Additionally, the dōTERRA Healing Hands Foundation® helps support development projects in sourcing communities and these projects include schools, health clinics, improved infrastructure and clean water systems.
So for me I can be sure that by using dōTERRA Essential Oils you are not only using the best of what Mother Earth can offer and that they are safe and 100% pure. They are also helping the communities around the world.